
Monday, December 10, 2007


i have never really think that i would change to this blog and use it, but after the hosting on my primary site is expiring soon, very soon, therefore i was thinking why not start somewhere fresh and i'm moving into another phase in my life. And there comes the name of hyphen and full-stops. why did i have that name in the first place? can't really recall why, but to me know, it means stopping to look at the flowers and hyphens to link life up again as they go on. and there the story goes.

i've been spending most of my time in China this year, which i will be spending it again until beginning of next year, maybe it's time to put full-stop to that. what ya think?!



Anonymous said...

i think your hyphen-fullstop name is indeed ingenious ;-)

michael said...

hehehe. thx. the idea just popped up and it signifies the bumps and detour plus the dead end of my journey...:)