
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Birthday gift 2008

Well, this is an extremely late late late super late posting, reason is i was lazy to take out my camera to take a shot at it. hehe. finally i did and i found the time to put it up. :)

As you could see in the picture that it's a Parker pen, and this no ordinary Parker pen, as it's from that someone special and it has my initial engraved on it.

This gift came to me quite surprisingly as i have already hinted to sharon that i'm okay if i don't receive a gift this year due to the plan that had to go to hong kong for our trip which will cost us both a fair bit. But with this i was given a surprise, i loved it. Although it's just a simple gift, a gift that didn't cost too much, but yet, it symbolise the love, attention and care that she could show to me, even when i insisted that i'm alright without it. Inside the secret comparement that the box has, there's a little note inside, well, i'm not going to publish that note. Well, some of you might just fall flat on their face if i do, but then, i rather kept it to myself. muahahahaha. *warm.

Thank you baby for the gift. i love it a lot. i'll have it carry with me all the time that i could.

my initial on it. :)

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