
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

hilarious malaysia's standard

i literally plugged this out from a friends blog. which i find really hilarious and the stupid translation standard that m'sia has, the guy/gal that made that translation has to be shot

quote "

OMG! You won't believe this!!!

I was watching CSI Vegas tonight, and Gil Grissom mentioned something about the suspect.
He said, "So, he's a serial killer?!"
Then this stupid subtitle shown at the bottom of the screen was "Dia pembunuh bijirin?"


Serial killer = pembunuh bijirin!!!!!!! (cereal killer?????)
A killer that hunts and kills cereal!!
How is it done? Pour boiling water on them and make them soggy I guess...


"end quote

Monday, July 14, 2008

32rd Bon Odori 2008

Venue: Shah Alam Panasonic Stadium

was dragged along to this year's Bon Odori festival, not that i'm not willing to go, but just i was there once, then again, going there again bring back some memories with my old school mates a long long long long time ago. Nothing much has changed since my last visit, so didn't really feel that change shock that i was anticipating, well i guess, a festival is always a festival. :) it would be great fun if to join in the dances, but for me, neh..hehehe. that's why i'm the one that says it's

Just a little info on what Bon Odori is about and why is this day so special.
Obon (お盆?) or just Bon (?) is a Japanese Buddhist custom to honor the departed (deceased) spirits of one's ancestors. This Buddhist custom has evolved into a family reunion holiday during which people return to ancestral family places and visit and clean their ancestors' graves, and when the spirits of ancestors are supposed to revisit the household altars. Also called the Feast of Lanterns, it has been celebrated in Japan for more than 500 years and traditionally includes a dance, known as Bon-Odori.

Bon Odori
(盆踊り, meaning simply Bon dance) is an event held during Obon. It is celebrated as a reminder of the gratefulness one should feel toward one's ancestors.

A special day...


That day is a special day, it's the day i've got a 2nd nephew. The day before, my sis was complaining that she having this weird pain in her stomach, but she can't really determine is the baby is gonna come out, so just to avoid any complication my mom send her to the hospital just in case.

so the normal i went home that evening and my mom came back telling me sis is admitted and the doc says that we have to wait and see, if nothing happens she will be home by tomorrow. And to the delight when i woke up the next morning, my mom was busy cooking something, something really nice, from the smell of it of course, i was woken up by the strong, yummy smell. Being curious, i made my way downstairs and saw mom rushing out the house, then i asked where is she going, she just said that sis has delivered and she's on her way to see her. to my delight, i call sharon and told her the good news, which we had a little argument the night before, then she also shared the joy with and forgotten what happened...phew...then she accused me of trying to sneak pass that..hehehe, well i did. :p

and later in the afternoon, my sis checks out of the hospital and brough the new family back home. due to the late entry, and he has a name. Ryan. Welcome Ryan to the family

sis and baby ryan. :)